Negotiation and General Meeting Information
Good morning members of Local #80,
Members of the Board's and our Local's negotiation committees met on March 17, 2014 to discuss concerns and future negotiatons. I encourage you to read my letter regarding this, here.
You will require a password to open this letter. It should have been provided to you courtesy of your School Representative. Please touch base with them for access.
Further, we have set the time and date for our Local General Meeting:
April 16, 2014
5:00pm - 7:00pm (meeting starts at 5:30pm)
Westerner Park - Heartland Room (parking is free)
Light snack and refreshements will be served
As previously mentioned at Council the focus of this meeting is to explain the awarded settlement and what it means for our members. As such, most of the meeting will be a representative providing an interpretation of the changes to our Collective Agreement. Time will be provided for questions. I strongly encourage your attendance.
Please note, due to the location, child care will not be provided.
Take care,
Brice Unland